How To Choose a Water Softener in San Diego | Point Loma

How To Choose a Water Softener

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Many homeowners are familiar with the woes that are caused by hard water. One moment the plumbing system is working fine, and the next moment, nothing goes down the sink. Homeowners call an expert to learn that there is a mineral buildup on pipes, and it needs to be cleared before they can use it again. 

The struggles caused by magnesium and calcium particles in hard water are known by many and can easily be fixed by the use of water softeners.

Water Softeners: The Benefits

Water softeners have a lot of benefits. Firstly, because magnesium and calcium stick together and to surfaces, they can cause buildup in drains and stick to clothes and dishes while they are being washed. A water softener can prevent the minerals from building up and sticking to other objects, thereby keeping mineral deposits from sticking to clothes, dishes, or the inside of the drain and leaving streaks, much less creating a clog.

Along with preventing physical damage, water softeners also have health benefits for the body. Water softeners remove the minerals from the water, making it “soft.” This is good when homeowners are taking showers, as soft water is better for the hair and the skin. Soft water also helps prevent the removal of natural oils from the skin.

Salt-Based Filtration Explained

A salt-based water softener uses a polymer resin bed membrane to free hard water of calcium and magnesium minerals. The membrane acts as a net, catching calcium and magnesium ions as they pass through the membrane and replacing them with sodium ions, or salt. The magnesium and calcium ions are then disposed of by using a drain pipe. The system also has a place so homeowners can refill the salt once it runs low. This system of treating hard water is much different from the salt-free softener system.

About Salt-Free Water Softeners

Instead of removing magnesium and calcium from the water supply, salt-free water softeners remove the minerals’ ability to bind to other objects. This occurs through the use of a process called Template Assisted Crystallization (TAC). Through TAC, the ions in calcium and magnesium are bound so that they cannot attach to other types of molecules, just their own kind. 

Because of this, there will be no buildup in the drain or attaching to plates, but homeowners still might see some crystal composites coming out of the faucet or in the washing machine. This form of softening is called water conditioning since the minerals aren’t being removed.

Choosing a water softener is a completely personal decision. With a salt-based softener, the minerals that cause skin and hair to be drier are removed so that showers might feel smooth and skin won’t end up as dried out and itchy as before. For those that need help, it’s always suggested to contact a local plumbing company. 

Contact Point Loma Electric and Plumbing

With a 100% satisfaction guarantee, Point Loma Electric and Plumbing deliver water softening services in San Diego, CA. With over thirty years in the business, Point Loma is the one-stop-shop for any electrical or plumbing needs.

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